
Parked at TNCM B8


The heart of the flight deck is the software that it runs.  Getting multiples computers to run together on literally a half dozen software packages can be very difficult, but when it works that’s when the magic happens.  It’s an orchestra in the making and can be extremely rewarding once running correctly.  There are days when you swear you are done forever!!

For the visual software I run Lockheed Martin’s PREPAR3D.  It truly is an amazing package.  As you may already know it is the commercial version of FSX.  The P3D software is supported to this day and newer (64 Bit) versions are available.  I am still running the 32Bit version but am in the process up upgrading.  On a project like this, a simple update can shut you down for weeks.  I am speaking from experience…..

I run Sim-Avionics for my avionics software.  This is an amazing package and I cannot say enough about it.  It works across a network and once tweaked simulates everything.  From the PFD, ND and EICAS displays to an awesome sound package with multiple channel support.  Having been on real flightdecks, this software is almost indistinguishable from the real thing.  Truly amazing.  I have the DSTD+.  Now that Flightdeck Solutions and Sim Avionics are together, there really is no reason to go anywhere else!!  Peter Cos and Steve Cos are extremely helpful.

Sim-Avionics PFD
Sim Avionics ND
Sim-Avionics Captain PFD & ND

I have multiple add-on packages installed for sound, scenery and flight planning.  If you have questions please let me know.

One more awesome package to mention is Warpalizer.  This package is amazing.  It warps and blends my three projector channels into one seamless image.  It’s like having an Imax theater in my home.  It’s hypnotic to watch.

Visual Alignment
Visual Alignment
Aligned Images
Aligned Images
Visual Alignment
Visual Alignment
Visual Alignment
Parked On The Apron
Flightdeck Solutions SYSBoard Software
Flighdeck Ready To Connect To Sim-Avionics
Sim-Avionics Displays
Sim-Avionics Displays
Sim-Avionics Displays